We Got This!!

We Got This!!

Oct 22, 2022, Sat — Okay, we got this!! I am soo excited for this painting. And when it’s done, I’m excited to show it off to the gallery in Aspen who is paying attention to me as a prospect for representation. It feels good enough that it could be the tipping point. Course, the whole bottom section is not painted yet… but it’s great in my imagination, haha, which is most of the battle.

I feel like I’m back in my groove. (Lot of excitement and feelings today, lol!) I’m taking my time, using both finesse and intuition to bring this scene to life. It’s really about settling into the pace. Which is quite slow. Which is so contrary to the rest of life. 

It helped to have that London print buyer got back in touch with me. Whenever money is coming in, it’s like hallelujah, we got this! When no money comes in, it’s frankly, stomach churning. This buyer, what a weird thing. When he wrote me on my website to find out about shipping costs due to the order being international, my reply to him from lauren@laurenforcella.com did not transmit. But it doesn’t bounce back either. It goes off into a cyber sock drawer somewhere. This happened with another international order. But I don’t know it went into the sock drawer! Maybe they just stopped being interested.

Fortunately, he wrote me through the website again a couple days later saying how much they loved my art and really wanted to place an order. THANK YOU double and triple!! So I composed a fresh email from my laurenforcella@gmail.com. And then when he didn’t respond to THAT, I figured it must have gone to his spam. Oh, no! What do you do with that?

Being me, I wrote two more emails hoping he’d see them when/if he checked his spam. And today he did!! Thank Goodness! And now they’ve decided to order TWO prints instead of one. It’s not a done deal yet, but at least some money is bouncing at the end of the diving board.

And Fine Art America sold a print today, too. Have faith, my love. We got this!!

Thank you so much for reading. I invite you to shop, shop, shop. Browse my originals gallery, browse prints, and sign up for my monthly newsletter.

Picture of Lauren Forcella

Lauren Forcella

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About Lauren Forcella

Lauren Forcella is an award-winning California artist with 27 years of experience. If art was writing, Forcella’s style would be called magical realism. Indeed, her paintings are a love letter to this beautiful Earth. In art, her style is called alla prima impressionism. Forcella uses a bold palette of classic oils. She lays the paint on thick so the emotions of her subject come through the brushstrokes as well as the color. Read More…

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