Nov 22, 2022, Tues — It really was a studio day and birth day. As in my very own birthday. T’was a lovely day talking to kids, friends, and family. Everyone sang this year! Happy Birthday to You…. you live in a zoo. You look like a monkeeee, and you smell like one, too. Only not those lyrics, thank goodness. (I honestly think this blog makes me regress.) And OMG, my kids gave me the nicest gifts. They really are the best kids a mom could ever hope for. I do not exaggerate.
In addition, I got a decent studio day in and went to Pilates, two of my favorite things. Furthermore, yesterday coming home from Orland, I stopped in Anderson and bought myself a Prather beef filet mignon for tonight, which was super yummy.
Neim and Marcus 🙂
And now I’m bogging about what? What do art buyers like to hear about? I know. I’m blogging about my Neim and Marcus catalog. Haha, I just looked up the spelling. It’s Neiman Marcus. I knew that didn’t look right. Which gifts should I buy this year on Black Friday, or Cyber Monday? That tells me what to do. I’ll have a Hot Pink Saturday sale. I do need to put out a newsletter before then, since I doubt I can get one delivered by Friday. Everything with hot pink in it is 15%, which means my whole catalog!
In other news, I have not heard from the art giveaway winner. I’ll have to check my rules to see how many times I have to try to contact her/him and how much time elapses before I redraw. I think it’s four times and one week duration that I try. So weird how I feel like I’m not going to hear from her. Sigh… Is it possible to die from excess admin?
Okay, I’m going to wrap this up like a Neiman Marcus present with a big red bow on top. It was a fantastic studio day and birth day! Now, time to share some links. First, my Facebook Art page link. (So glad I had the foresight yesterday to turn my birthday to “private”. What an oddly personal and peaceful birthday without those 300 wonderful greetings, each of which I feel obliged to respond to.) And secondly, I’ll invite you to sign up for my newsletter so you can hear about the Hot Pink Saturday sale!