July 26, 2024, Friday—Mustard Superbloom finishes strong. I am happy to report that at long last the painting dubbed Mr. Mustard is ready for its maiden reveal. And you heard it first right here on this cutting edge art blog of the century. Just ask the spammers! They know where to find the goods.
Today was the day. And still is. Temps have been blessedly in the low hundreds, the mornings under 95F, and I’ve been able to spend the last three mornings in the studio anxiety-free, finally painting the sky above the field of “Wild Mustard”. (Might that be its final appellation? We’ll give it a test run right here. Mr. Mustard is probably not the right cachet.)
Wild Mustard is my happy place
So time to celebrate. Mustard superbloom finishes strong! Which I did, first with a nap and now with one of the Mexican Cokes I bought on that volcanic Friday night a few weeks ago at Costco. See blog entry of same title. The painting begun at the beginning of the heat wave is finally finished at the end of it. Hallelujah.
Wild Mustard, to explain, is a field of wild mustard. I know. Art is complex. Lovely yellow happiness as far as the eye can see, that’s how much wild mustard dominates California fields in the spring. Between orchard rows, between vineyard rows, and whole fields without any rows if nobody is tending them. It’s a mustard superbloom every spring. Even on a normal year fields of yellow happiness rise undaunted and undeterred in their celebration of yellowness. Wild Mustard is my happy place. Above the wild mustard is the sky. In this case, having a field day of a wild sunset. And at the far edge of the mustard field are plump round oak trees that separate the mustard from the sunset. Sounds simple, but I was very challenged by this threesome. Or the heat just made it feel impossible, indeed made it impossible.
Without further ado, introducing, “Wild Mustard”. This is a snap from my iPhone. No link yet, because it’s not on the website yet. Will need image capture for that.
Enjoy the wild mustard superbloom! Afterward, if you’re so inclined, I invite you to browse my originals gallery, browse prints, and sign up for my monthly newsletter.