Lazy Pool Day

Lazy Pool Day

July 16, 2022 — Lazy pool day. Just what it sounds like. Umbrellas, towels, beach chairs, books, snacks appearing suddenly, a double iced espresso. A few conversations about politics, a few naps, lots of swims to stay cool. Oh how I love an utterly unproductive day like this now and then. Especially, ESPECIALLY, this day when at 6:30PM we are going to head to the coast for magic hour again. This time to Gaviota Beach proper. 

But for now, it is still the lazy pool day. Actually, that’s not true. I was just repeating the focus keywords, haha. Lazy pool day has formally ended and the others have gone in to nap before our beach excursion. (What’s the expression? Chill now, rest later?) And here I am, dedicated SEO monkey, doing my blog. 

Having a lovely conversation with my daughter right now (she didn’t nap after all), somehow, while writing. She is in the kitchen making us homemade “take out” for the beach. Okay, let’s get cracking here, get focused. I would like to get this blog done before we go.

Last night we met my dear friend from Santa Barbara, Alice, and her hubby T, at a restaurant by the wharf, Flor de Maiz. It was wonderful fun to reminisce about old times and new times, the Dumpsters, and what T brought up: the Teacher’s Tax Guide. What a hoot!! I have literally archived that experience so deeply that if he hadn’t brought it up, it may never have seen the light of consciousness again in my lifetime. You see, Alice and I were going to buy this company to provide facilitator income for our other projects.

A couple of the lead guys in Valic had been running it on the side of their other work for years and it brought in, if I remember right, about $80K a year, for about 2-3 weeks work. They were selling it because I think it was considered a conflict of interest as they were promoted into top management. It was 1994, pre-internet, when teachers still needed books to guide them on their taxes. OMG, it would have been a nightmare. So diametrically opposed to the kinds of things we loved and got joy from. I mean, taxes?? For them, it was already in their wheelhouse.

I remember I cried when they sold it to some other reps in the business. I was so mad and hurt. But thank God, they didn’t sell it to us after all. The wisdom of the universe was shining down on us!

And now, may I invite you to something shiny? The Lauren Forcella collectibles collection!

Picture of Lauren Forcella

Lauren Forcella

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About Lauren Forcella

Lauren Forcella is an award-winning California artist with 27 years of experience. If art was writing, Forcella’s style would be called magical realism. Indeed, her paintings are a love letter to this beautiful Earth. In art, her style is called alla prima impressionism. Forcella uses a bold palette of classic oils. She lays the paint on thick so the emotions of her subject come through the brushstrokes as well as the color. Read More…

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