First Paint, First Blog

First Paint, First Blog

April 16, 2022 — Today was a day of firsts: first paint, first blog. First paint on The Peach Tree. Always exciting, first paint. It’s a big canvas 30 x 48 in, and I spent most of the day on the composition, but even with just a little corner painted in the last hour, I can see the whole thing and am already swooning like a lover. Had to force myself to leave. 

So, welcome to my blog. We’ll see how well I can keep this up. My web guy tells me that doing a blog post every day (every day, mind you), is the key to rising in search with Google. I could use that. 

I’ve wanted to keep a painting diary anway and maybe this will be the impetus. The good thing is nobody reads blogs anyway, so it should be pretty private. As I said, first paint, first blog.

The posts by Team Lauren Forcella are written by my new untrusty sidekick, Art Official in Tell Gents. That was my first strategy to posting daily and the one recommended by Web Guy. The writing is terrible, but fascinating all the same. Can you imagine being a teenager or college student right now and just put your writing topic in the search bar and 5 minutes later, viola, an essay containing all the facts, and written about as bad as a teenager can write, emerges?! Who needs Ritalin anymore? What a world. And this is the early stage. It’s only going to get a bigger better badder? brain, while ours atrophies. 

Right now, those essays are so bad, it prompted this diary to begin. But if you see one (as I may resort occasionally to asking an Art Official Gent to write this for me), you’ll know I’m not having a depressive episode. 

Picture of Lauren Forcella

Lauren Forcella

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About Lauren Forcella

Lauren Forcella is an award-winning California artist with 27 years of experience. If art was writing, Forcella’s style would be called magical realism. Indeed, her paintings are a love letter to this beautiful Earth. In art, her style is called alla prima impressionism. Forcella uses a bold palette of classic oils. She lays the paint on thick so the emotions of her subject come through the brushstrokes as well as the color. Read More…

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