Oct 27, 2022, Thur — OMG, so close. Day Eleven and Not Finished Yet reporting in from almost the finish line. Literally inches from the finish line. I am down to needing one last master stroke in one little spot on this massive rock (the two rocks are now looking like one). And I ran out of time. I have Pilates on Tue and Thurs and this is a class it would take a major emergency for me to miss.
Give me 15 more minutes tomorrow and we are at sweet success. I showed the Pilates girls and they freaked out over it. Of course they don’t see the spot I want to perfect because they’re looking at it on my phone. But I see that spot and you will too if I show it here giant-sized. Thus, tomorrow it must be.
Interview tonight
Changing the subject, I just finished a zoom interview with Phillip Ellering of Ellering Stories. What a wonderful interviewer. He’s very skilled. And he makes a nice trailer to go with the interview. It will be interesting to see how it plays as I’m not very experienced with interviews. I felt like I rattled a blue streak. I also feel like my genesis story is so long it takes up valuable time when I would rather be talking about my process. But, naturally, everyone asks about the genesis story, and it’s so darn compelling I get carried away with it myself!
For better or worse, it’s going to be put out in the world on his channel. Naturally, if I like it I will also share it and this blog will be one of the first places.
Alright, that’s a wrap for dear Day Eleven and Not Finished Yet. Which makes me think about the poor thing, all alone in studio through the dark night. Wow, I’m actually having compassion right now for the painting. No joking around. It’s truly an ugly space, stark and industrial and gritty with nothing to be done for it. No wonder I don’t leave paintings down there once they’re finished and dry.
Okay, night night everyone. Thank you for reading. Please enjoy another fall painting. And if you get a minute, browse my originals gallery and sign up a friend to receive my monthly newsletter.