Oct 31, 2022, Mon — Great witchy news for Halloween. The Aspen Sky billboard is up in San Francisco as of today. I call that an auspicious day! This might be my favorite Halloween ever.
The billboard is located in the heart of Silicon Valley (okay not precisely San Francisco). More precisely (they actually gave me latitude and longitude), it is in San Jose, on Hwy 101 S near the Tully Rd exit.
What a lift to get this news. I’ve been feeling a little down over the low art sales and my extremely high business costs. Try being an artist! The PRICE of everything I need is outrageous. To think I used to be a writer when all you need is a good pen, some paper, a computer and a printer. So, yes, a real lift.
I had started my newsletter today anyway. I decided I couldn’t wait another day waiting for this billboard news to get a newsletter out. (It’s like two weeks overdue.) Then, in the middle of writing it, I got the email from the head of marketing at Fine Art America with the details. I just reread it and oops, my billboard either up, or going up soon. Well, okay, maybe not on Halloween Day after all. Or maybe it is. It’s a witchy mystery on a spooky day.
So I had another home day (Day Three Home) because I can’t seem to unearth myself from the business end of my art business. I’ve been working since I woke up. I forced myself to walk the dog (that being me). It sometimes helps to think of myself as a cute little Laurendoodle who MUST have some exercise and would be ever so loving and grateful for those signs of yes, yes, going for a walk! I try not to slobber thinking about it. I also got in a couple of wonderful phone calls with two of my besties, so a lovely day was had.
Tomorrow, Laurendoodle is off to the studio. Hopefully before I go to bed tonight I will make a decision as to what I am painting next. But first, I had to write this blog, Billboard is Up in San Francisco. Thank you for reading. Perhaps you will go billboard hunting for Aspen Sky if you live in the Bay Area! And if you sign up for my newsletter you will get that illustrious and illustrated document tomorrow in your mailbox.